Monday, July 15, 2024

Brooklyn's 8th Grade Graduation


Brooklyn finished her years as a middle schooler and is officially off to high school next month. I'm not ready for this next school year for so many reasons. 

Here is my 'little' girl all ready for her ceremony.

Kayla drove and met us at the middle school after she got out and immediately got to work on finishing her card to her sister while we waited for the ceremony to begin.

It was HOT, 100 degrees and sitting in direct sun for hours was not fun at all!  We were melting and not quite sure why it was not held inside.

After all the kids got their name called for graduation they announced the Principal Awards.  Brooklyn got it!!!!
It was so hot and hectic at the end that I felt bad because people were leaving and just trying to get out of their so it kind of took away the excitement but I don't think she noticed.  We were still super excited for her!!!

She received this award her 6th grade year so we didn't think she would receive it again and it was cute that the boy who received it was also her boyfriend, power couple! lol

His family and us with the two recipients and their principal.

Pictures with some friends.

Their favorite teacher!
He was their science as well as one of their ASB teachers.

We came home after, we all agreed we just wanted to shower after being soaked in sweet.  Chris and Kayla dropped Brooklyn and I off and went to grab us In N out for dinner.  I took some pictures of our graduate before we hoped in the shower.

So incredibly proud of her!!!

All clean and cooled off we celebrated our girl and enjoyed the rest of the night together at home just as she likes.

High School here she comes!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

May Recap

 The last month of work was rough this year.  The kids were a bit crazier than usual and the weeks were going by s l o w!

The roses were blooming!

Everything was so pretty in the yard unlike now when it's all barely hanging on with this heat.

We could still enjoy dinner on the patio without melting.

The Summer fun list was just getting started

Kayla had her sadies dance and Brooklyn helped with her with her hair.

Her first dance with a boy. It was Rio, the movie theme.  The girls used to LOVE that movie!

While Kayla was off dancing we had a pizza and movie night.  We watched Luca to put us in the Summer mood.

We enjoyed our community Summer party with free In N Out and lots of activities for the kids.

Brooklyn and her friend took full advantage of all the fun that was offered.

We stood for hours talking to friends and my feet that bother me still from being on a statin drug can not take standing for very long periods like that so I needed a little help getting home since we had walked, lol.

The girls and I took advantage of the memorial day sales and got some Summer fits.

Spent Memorial Monday in Palm Springs at the pool

This is normally my after work spot but Brooklyn grabbed it first this day.

Kayla got to be a junior escort for the graduation ceremony this year so she had a lot of practices, banquets and activities she needed to go to the last few weeks of school.

We couldn't wait to spend our days home this Summer just like Oliver is modeling for you all here.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

2024 Summer Fun List

 The Summer Fun List

The girls have no idea what we are doing all Summer until the list is posted.  We've been doing this for years and it is always something they look forward to.

Kayla was the first one home this day and of course did not want her picture taken

Just like her sister she didn't want her picture taken either 

Time to go over the list together

They are approving

hmmm...."why are we going to an Angel's game and not a Dodger's game?"

Excited for her Summer!

Yay for Summer!!!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Graduation Dance


Brooklyn received the prettiest yellow roses from her boyfriend the day of their 8th grade graduation dance.  He's always so sweet and thoughtful.

I can't believe she is off to high school!
Look how beautiful and grown up my baby is now.
She looked beautiful!

The school sold the cutest boutonnieres and corsages for the kids to buy.  They were fake flowers so it is nice they get to keep them forever. 

Their principal jumped in for the pic. 

They had a great time.  They both like to dance so they were out on the dance floor the entire time having a blast.