Summer is half way over for us and I feel like it has barely just begun. We've been way to busy and there haven't been enough lazy Summer days for me. The last two weeks our kitchen has been torn apart to have the cabinets painted and I feel like we were stranded at home for too long. The girls have been great and never complained about anything. Luckily we did have swimming lessons every morning so they did get out for some fun for a bit!
Sister time cuddling watching favorite shows and playing games is how we passed the time together.
The kitchen was supposed to take two days but ended up taking three so I was happy to get my kitchen back right before we left to go camping.
When you don't have a kitchen to eat in you set up a picnic in the den. Kayla thought it was amazing we were eating fast food so much. I on the other hand was not very excited about it.
All that junk food in my cart must mean we are going camping soon!
Still stuck in the den while the kitchen was being painted meant early morning games of fooseball
I took the girls out for yogurt after swim on one of the days because I much rather of had yogurt with fruit for lunch than eat anymore fast food. They did not mind that idea one bit.
Then we went to Chilis for dinner
Half way done with swim lessons!
As you can see Brooklyn was not excited to take a picture because she was cold and basically just being Brooklyn.
The past few weeks we've made many trips to the Orthodontist to get Kayla braces. Last week was superhero week so the entire office was decorated with superheros.
There is always something fun going on at the office for the kids so they enjoy going. Below Brooklyn is helping Kayla pick out what flavor she should pick out for her molding.
After our camping trip our dog needed a bath and the girls never complain when we go because they get to check out all the animals. Here they are checking out the mice and rats. Kayla thinks we need a bird or a rat. #nothanks
My little helper helping me make dinner in my white kitchen
After helping she wanted to watch a movie with Kayla in the den but Kayla told her no she wanted to watch it alone so Brooklyn found another way to watch the movie. Kayla had no idea Brooklyn was watching through the blinds.
So I thought my ktichen was done but they had to come back and fix a few things so back to no kitchen for a day again.
Which meant once again we were eating fast food after swim lessons atleast it was mommy approved this day!
Brooklyn has been reading chapter books this Summer and was so happy to read a Magic Treehouse book like Kayla used to read. She had just got done telling me all about the book here.
Wednesday I took the girls to see Finding Dory which was really cute! Kayla was a bit sad to know that this would be her last chance eating popcorn for awhile since after the movie she was getting her braces on.
We were all excited to try out a new movie theatre that had reclining seats! I don't know how we will ever go anywhere else now.
Look who got braces!!
She was so excited, she got star shaped and picked red, white and blue bands for the 4th of July. She actually just got them half done since there was a problem with the fitting so we will be back this week to get the rest on and after that visit I don't think she'll enjoy them as much because her little mouth will be sore. But so far she still likes them and mommy and daddy think they make her look too old!
Thursday morning was the last day of swim lessons which meant free day for the kids.
Kayla loves a good water slide and was very excited!!
Brooklyn was pumped all morning and couldn't wait because today she was going to go down the slide with Kayla but once it came down to it she changed her mind and changed her mind means walking all the way up to the top numerous times, crying, having the lifeguards tell her they will catch her or go down with her, her crying more, Kayla comforting her and trying to get her to go down with her but still it never happened. She psychs herself up so much, she would've loved it if she just tried it but maybe next year.
Even though this girl did not go down the waterslides she improved majorly this year!!! I'm pretty sure we are floaty free for good now. Brooklyn spent more time swimming under the water during swim lessons than on top of the water. Everytime I looked for her she was underwater!! A few weeks ago she would barely
dunk her head in the water and then on the very last day she walked up, held her nose and jumped the deep end!! She did it over and over again, I was so surprised at how much she improved.
Kayla made a new buddy at swim lessons and they had a blast going down the slides together over and over.
Good job Girls!!
Back at home, after stopping at Home Depot I started painting the kitchen walls.
The girls were so good and entertained themselves by coloring,
and playing together. I didn't even mind the mess because I got to get my kitchen painted quickly without breaking up any fights or hearing them complain.
Friday we had to return some library books and pick out some new books
and then I surprised the girls with a special treat for being so good the past two weeks while our house was in chaos. They were so excited to have their first Starbucks frappucinos!
Oh and then this happened, I had given the girls an old cell phone to play with and Brooklyn apparently brought it with us I looked over and saw her taking a pretend selfie (lord help me with this child!) I quickly made a new rule that the cell phone is for at home play only and does not leave the house! #crazygirl
That rounds up our month of June. We are excited to celebrate the 4th on Monday and go on some fun adventures in the month of July!
So much fun!!!!
Ok. Not the kitchen part ...
But other than that...
You guys are so fun!!!
I adore how close your girls are.
And how much time you all spend together.
Here's to many days of summer fun and relaxing for you all!
Love your kitchen!!!
Brooklyn taking the selfie is the best...she reminds me so much if Juliana...she is the selfie queen.
I too am so sad how fast summer is going by.
Happy 4th!
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