Last week hubby had a week off so we took full advantage of it and fit in a lot of family fun. First up was some camping at Paradise by the Sea in Oceanside. We checked in on Sunday and after getting everything set up at our campspot we headed over to the beach. Now lets just say it was not quite what I had in mind when it came to spending some time at the beach. We have become quite spoiled with our beach camping and I mean we like to walk right up to the water and set our stuff down, I relax in my chair and the girls play in the water right infront of us not walk around for 10 minutes trying to find somewhere to put our stuff where the kids can find somewhat of a path to the water without trampling on the millions of people on their way. There were WAY too many people here for my liking but we found a spot and that was that.

Hubby took the girls down to the water while I sat with our stuff so far away that I couldn't even see my babies playing and having fun #notahappymommy
Hubby took the girls down to the water while I sat with our stuff so far away that I couldn't even see my babies playing and having fun #notahappymommy
Kayla quickly made me a happy mommy when she for no reason came and hung out with me on the beach. This girl is impossible to get out of the water but she came over and we sat, played in the sand and chatted just us two!! It made my day and I enjoyed every minute of it and as we chatted people began to leave so I could finally see that beautiful ocean.
Don't worry though because Brooklyn came over soon after and had a total meltdown because she wanted the sand out of her swimsuit now and that was not going to happen so she cried and I mean CRIED for a long time while we all ignored her until she stopped. I tried rinsing her off and wiping the sand away but nothing would make this girl happy, she was tired and just needed to get it out. Eventually she was over it and all was good with the world again. #meltdownsareboundtohappenwithatiredkiddo
The girls played until it was time to go back at the trailer and cleaned up for some dinner. They made friends right away with some other kids camping and scootered and played until we told them it was time to get ready for bed because Monday morning we were going to Legoland and they needed a good nights sleep for a fun day.
Legoland was a blast and I'll post our day there tomorrow but for now we will finish with our last day camping. The girls chose to swim Tuesday morning so before lunch we swam at the pool
Even when I think I can relax and try and lay out I have a little buddy who needs to be right next to her mama #Brooklynismyshadow
The pool was small and the girls were over it quick so they decided riding scooters with their camping friends while I made lunch would be better. After lunch we walked over to the beach
It was still pretty crowded even on Tuesday but definitely not as bad as Sunday so the girls spent some time playing in the sand giving daddy a break from watching them down in the water
and just as it did on Sunday around 3:30 people started to leave leaving us with a much less crowded beach to enjoy.
"TOEtally in love"
Tuesday night was our last night of camping and the girls got lots of time in with their new friends
After we ate the girls ditched us for a bit to hang out with their friends, hubby and I played cards alone for awhile until I got sad realizing I wasn't quite ready for my girls to be off with friends leaving us alone, I know I have many camping trips of them not wanting to be with us 24/7 but I'm gonna try my best to make that not happen for as long as possible so I asked them if they wanted to come back over and play games with daddy and I and luckily they obliged. It was the perfect night to end our camping trip on. Wednesday morning we packed up and drove home because Thursday morning we were off again for some more family fun!
1 comment:
Yeah for summer family time!
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