Monday, October 24, 2016

Harvest Festival and Our Weekend Recap

Friday morning started off great with daddy sneaking back home after leaving for work to drop off some yummy Fall donuts and my favorite chai latte from Starbucks.

It was a happy morning for sure around here!

I helped in Brooklyn's class in the morning and was super busy and ended up staying longer than usual so when it came time to leave I remembered Kayla would be out having snack so I dropped in to give her a hug and kiss and she begged me to stay and hang out and I couldn't say no to a 4th grader that still wanted to hang out with her mom!!

I watched her laugh and giggle with her friends until it was time to leave.

Friday nigth was the schools annual Harvest Festival!  We've gone every year since Kayla was in Kindergarten and while we were there I realized how many years it's been already and got really sad!  Kayla would also be helping out this year which was what really got me.   I remember five years ago when we first came and how there were older kids helping out with the games and thought how sweet those big kids were helping all the little kids with the games were and now Kayla is one of those big kids helping out already!!  How?!

Before Kayla was scheduled to help she got to play some games and ran off with her friends to play.  Brooklyn stayed with me and played until it was time for her to perform with Sundance Singers

Here she is with her singing group all ready to perform the two songs they had been practicing for the last few months.

We stayed maybe twenty minutes after Brooklyn was done performing and Kayla was done helping out so they could play a little more.  Then it was home to order a pizza and watch a Halloween show before bed.

Saturday morning the girls had their last regular season soccer games.  Kayla still has playoffs but Brooklyn is done with soccer for the season.  After the games we went to look at some trailers and then came home showered and decided to go out to dinner.

We enjoyed some ice cold beers and watching the Dodger game.  The girls were happy because you can throw your peanut shells on the ground at this restaurant and they get popsicles after dinner.  Kayla decided she didn't want one because it was so cold in there to begin with and Brooklyn probably shouldn't have even gotten one since she didn't eat much dinner but two giant beers and baseball got in the way of making that decision.

Sunday we slept in for a bit and then headed to get some things done.  One of them was to get my rings cleaned which meant we had some time to kill.   We stopped in at Bass Pro Shop and the girls enjoyed checking everything out.  Kayla decided she wanted a quad for Christmas and I told her the little one for toddlers behind her would be perfect!

Just relaxing on the camping beds and checking out the fish several times!

Next up we headed to the mall, Brooklyn headed off with daddy and Kayla and I had some fun in Anthropologie and Bath and Body Works.  We stocked up on some Christmas candles and even bought a gift for someone as well!

After picking up my rings we headed over to my in laws to celebrate my brother in laws birthday.  We were happy to see baby Tessa too and how big she is getting!

It was a busy weekend and I'm pretty sure it's going to get busier from here on out.  I can't believe next weekend is the last weekend in October already and then it'll be November!  So much to do from here on out.


Kelli said...

Sounds like a great weekend Shannon! Growing up there was a restaurant that served peanuts that you tossed the shells on the floor...I loved that place!

Tara said...

Harvest festival.... swoon!

Billie Jo said...

Yay for your sweet husband!
What an awesome surprise!
And I know...these kids seem to grow so quickly...
But you all enjoy every minute.
Soon it will be Christmas, my friend!!!!