Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Ten On Ten

It's only Tuesday, insert sad face, we are all ready for another weekend especially when it's in the 80's outside!   This particular Tuesday I was up and showering because both of the girls would be receiving their Read a Thon awards today so there would be no time for a morning workout.

Both of the girls took their sweet time getting ready for the day.  I found them reading instead of eating breakfast.

These two are thick as thieves when they are together, always giggling and goofing off!   They have their own inside jokes and codes they use and I know they were totally making fun of me on the way to school this morning but I'll take it as long as they are having as much fun as they were this morning.

Brooklyn's awards were first this morning and instead of just doing the second graders they did first graders as well so it was LONG!   I made her come over real quick after she got her award so I could snap a pic before I snuck out.

I ran some errands and then came home and put dinner in the crock pot and styled some adorable flowers I picked up from Hobby Lobby.

I was back at the school around eleven for Kayla's awards.   Another way too long process so I took her picture after she got her award and I was out of there.  Between both girls I spent over two hours at the school sitting and that's with me sneaking out early!

Back at home I got laundry done and enjoyed some reality tv.

Soon enough it was time to pick up the girls, they came home and got to work on their reading

I didn't sleep well last night and knew I needed a little pick me up so I had an extra chai latte to get me through the day.  Afterward I was ready to get dinner together before heading off to Kayla's practice.

While Kayla practiced, hubby and I walked a few miles around the track while Brooklyn rode her scooter.   Now that it is warming up outside I don't mind being at her practices.  When it's cold I'd much rather be at home cuddled up in a blanket.

Yay for tomorrow being Wednesday which means the week is half way over!!!


Tara said...

Congrats on your girls reading awards! And good for you mama, sticking with it at school to be there for them! I'm jealous of your weather. We are still cold, cold, cold here! Yesterday it snowed... AGAIN! Your day looks lovely.

Billie Jo said...

Your girls are amazing!
Reading is the best, and I can tell how much they love it.
I also adore their love for each other.
And yay for an afternoon cup!

Cindy said...

Congratulations to your girls on their awards!