Friday, April 3, 2020

Stay Home ~ Week 2

Our second week of stay at home was supposed to be Spring break.   I had really been looking forward to going camping since it has been quite awhile since we last went but obviously that was not going to happen.   The weather was a little better so we enjoyed a little more time outside together as a family.   We did only one day of schoolwork since the girls reminded me it was "Spring break mom"  I gave in because they were right.   There were game nights and cards being played almost nightly.   Brooklyn and daddy created some pretty chalk art for the driveway and both of the girls wrote and illustrated a short and sweet letter to their great grandmother.  We're still hanging in and doing our best to make the situation as fun and safe as possible for the girls.  So far they aren't complaining about missing school but this was only week two!

Getting chores done
Always wants to hold hands

A wonderful day spent outside

Game Night
A day spent cleaning

Oliver thinks the doll bed is for him

A little school work and a kitty who wants some attention

saying hi to Tommy the Sundance cat is now a tradition on every walk

just waiting in line to get some toilet paper

Naps, Movies & Ice Cream is Brooklyn's stay at home goals

Stay Safe!


Tara said...

Looks like you made the best of your Spring Break home - lots of fun and kitty cuddles!!!
So sorry about the camping -- for sure when this is all over you'll have the best family camping trip ever!

Billie Jo said...

Hi Shannon.
This is surreal, isn't it?
You guys are staying cozy and safe!
Please know I am thinking of you all out there.
Hugs from Pa.

Cindy said...

It looks like you're making the most of a unique situation. We were supposed to go to Nashville for a week on March 22nd but ours didn't happen either. We're hoping to reschedule for the fall. I sure hope this is over by then! We're trying to do at least one thing every day: wash windows, clean out a closet... yesterday we went through all of our games. We got rid of a few (meaning we put a few in the den to go to Goodwill when this is over) but not many! :) Take care and stay safe.