Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Ten On Ten

Every morning starts out with coffee.   It's been cold so there has been a lot of coffee drinking in the mornings.

Brooklyn starts school thirty minutes earlier than Kayla does and lately she's just been staying in her pajamas.   They were told at the beginning of the year they must get dressed everyday for online school but she's in our home and if she's comfortable being in pajamas who cares.   They can open the darn schools if they want her to get dressed everyday!!

Avocado toast is one of my favorite breakfasts lately and it wouldn't be as good without this Trader Joes's seasoning.

Time for Kayla to go to school.  She does not stay in her pajamas for school but she has been sporting sweats daily.

While the girls were busy in class, Chris and I went for a long walk.  It was cold today and our mountains looked beautiful with the fresh snow they got over the weekend.

Chicken tortilla soup for dinner tonight.
I love my crockpot, I used it last night too.

I know, I know it's not Christmas yet but I had ordered this tree from Amazon and I had to make sure it was okay and there was no point in putting it back in the box for two weeks so it staying.   I knew it also needed a few pretties to make it better so I went to Hobby Lobby and got some things before they were all gone.

I sported my grandfathers Chosin Few sweatshirt today because it is the U.S. Marine Corps Birthday and he was a very proud Marine.

Grabbed this iced Peppermint coffee from Aldi and it is okay, getting it from Starbucks still tastes better!

And just because twinkle lights are one of my favorite things.

Have a great evening!


Billie Jo said...

Hi Shannon!
Love your tree.
I wanted to decorate, but it has been in the 70s here!
Please tell your little one that Flynn says she wears her jammies all day long!
I was thinking of you as we get closer to our favorite time of year!

Cindy said...

Beautiful tree! We've put up a few lights around here, inside and out but no real Christmas decorations yet. It looks like we're having our Thanksgiving on Wednesday the 25th so I expect I'll be decorating for Christmas on Thanksgiving Day this year!