Wednesday, August 4, 2021

July Randoms

July started bright and early with Kayla having cross country practice at 6:15 and when I got home Brooklyn had breakfast waiting for me.  She made this and plated it so cute.

I love when we have a slow night and can eat around the coffee table and watch a movie or a favorite show.  Right now Beat Shazam is a fav. in our house.

We spent the day celebrating a friends 40th birthday, it was adults only and fun!

Brooklyn and one of her sweet babies

If you haven't seen Luca you must, it's adorable and Kayla was obsessed this month.  While we were camping we all agreed that we couldn't wait to get home and watch it again so the day we got back we made an easy dinner and watched it that night!

Summer peaches were so delicious and pretty for a healthy dinner.

Another showing of Luca

Our town finally got a movie theater and the girls were so excited to be dropped off with friends to watch a movie without parents and I can't believe my babies are even old enough to go the movies with just friends!

Kayla's very best friend moved out of state this month and she made her this adorable scrapbook with memories and photos.  She let me take a few pictures to share here.

One last time all together before she left

Lots of tears and hugs that did not end.  It was rough seeing Kayla so upset, they have such a great friendship but will be keeping in touch regularly.

I got some crafting in this month for the baby shower.  I loved the way the wreaths turned out and kept one for myself and let my mother in law have one because she loved them.

Kayla was spent lots of time at friends houses this Summer which meant I got some one on one time with Brooklyn.   We did lunch, Starbucks runs and shopping.

I needed some homemade cookies and it had been way too long since I had baked any.

Our favorite homemade pizzas, 
Potato Burrata Pizza 
Three Cheeses and Peach Pizza

We celebrated my nieces 5th birthday

and then met some friends at a nearby brewery

We couldn't miss out on National Ice Cream day

Back to School clothes shopping and lunch is always a favorite day of Summer.

Ugh the dreaded learning of the PE locks

I still hate these locks!
Kayla took some time with Brooklyn to help her get it down and now she's ready.

Lazy days at home!

I put these girls to work to help out with the baby shower.  They painted oranges for the do not say Baby game.

Soccer is starting back up so the girls did some practicing out in the backyard

Brooklyn loves to paint and said she wanted some all white Vans so she could paint on them.  I really wasn't sure how this was going to go but they turned out really good.  She spent an entire day drawing them out and painting them.

They turned out amazing and she loves them!

The last week of July the girls had school orientation days and Brooklyn had to go three days.  She was so excited to be back on campus and was excited to tell me about it everyday that I picked her up.

Kayla had to go one day and was so excited she nearly jumped out of the truck while it was moving.  You can see her running to meet up with her friends as soon as she got out!

While they were at their schools I was running around like a crazy person gathering and getting things taken care of for my sister in laws baby shower.  I was exhausted by the end of the week and a glass of wine and some nonsense t.v. was needed to unwind.

School starts tomorrow and I'm sure gonna miss my slow mornings relaxing at home.

This picture sums up how I felt on the last day of July,  these cats were making me so jealous sleeping their day away!  After a week of baby shower prep and taking and dropping off the girls at school for practices/orientation I was wishing I could sleep all day too!


1 comment:

Cindy said...

School doesn't start here in the Seattle area for another month! I bet your girls are going to have a blast being back with their friends this year. And those Vans!! They turned out really cute!