Wednesday, March 30, 2022

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day was on a Thursday this year so the girls had school and I was off to work.  I spent the day prior running errands and while I was out I looked everywhere for some green donuts.  I went to five grocery stores with no luck!

I settled on regular donuts because lets be honest the girls could care less what color they are they just want donuts.

Just as expected they were thrilled to have the donuts no matter what color they were!

All was good and I drank my coffee before we all headed out for the day.

At work there were lots of fun green treats but I refrained from eating any because I had a homemade cake I couldn't wait to dig into later that night.

I got to work on dinner and an appetizer platter as soon as I got home from work.  We had not seen my father in law since Christmas day so we invited him over to enjoy dinner and dessert with us.

The girls enjoyed their green cocktail and of course the snacks I put out.  I love doing all of these fun things for them.  It's gonna be a sad day when they are no longer around for me to do these things for them.

For dinner we ate Irish Beef Stew with some soda bread that I had picked up from the market.

Dessert was Mint Chocolate Bundt cake and will be our new St. Patrick's day dessert every year.  
We loved it!

1 comment:

Tara said...

You make even the 'little' holidays special for your girls. That cake looks wonderful!