We kicked off April with a trip to our local rodeo. Some friends asked us if wanted to join them and since we loved the rodeo in Texas we thought we would give this one a shot.
It definitely wasn't as good as San Antonio's rodeo but we still enjoyed ourselves. Brooklyn with her huge banana split sundae!
Library visits are usually our Summer thing but lately Kayla has been wanting to go during the school year. Unfortunately the high school library is pretty sad so the city library it is.
Enjoying the flower planting weather!
Along with the eating meals outside weather!
Bunny decor was out this month
These two cleaning Oliver's dirty paws one morning before getting ready for school.
These two cats just living the dream
I picked Brooklyn up from school to find an Easter egg attached to her head. She said someone gave her an egg so she put it on her head and wore that way for the day. She's a very unique kid I tell ya.
Kayla has been working hard running and trying to get back in shape for cross country. I had to snap a pic of her after her run because this is what she looks like afterwards. She's finally up to two miles but still has a ways to go before practices start in June.
I'm not gonna lie but I can't wait for school to be out because I love Summertime but I will miss the little faces I've grown to love this past year.
A cold and rainy Friday night called for soup and a family game night. We've been loving Clue lately and it's even better when it's The Office version.
Brooklyn asked if I wanted some avocado toast for breakfast and then presented me with this deliciousness. It was so good, I told her she's in charge of my Mother's day breakfast.
The girls have been swamped with school work the last month. Brooklyn finished one night and then came out and said she wanted to take a pre nap in the family room with us before going to bed.
Our weather has been pretty great this month only a very few cold days which seem enjoyable now since it's not everyday.
Dropped Brooklyn off at school for nerd dress up day. I forgot to get a good picture so a drive by one is what you get.
Friday day date at our favorite winery is how we wrapped up the month of April.
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