Friday, July 1, 2022

Key West ~ Day 4

 We started the day with Cuban Coffee Queen which did not disappoint!  My iced coffee was delicious and my Cuban bagel was even better!  

This day was a total tourist day! 

On the top of our list was to visit the Hemingway house!  I love Ernest Hemingway and have found him to be one of the most interesting men so I had been looking forward to this.

We were also excited to see all the six toed cats.

We walked the grounds first and stopped to pet all of the cats.  There are over fifty of them and they basically run the place.  They were all very friendly and let us pet them we are definitely cat people so this was fun.

The Hemingway house offers a free walking tour with a tour guide which we did because I really wanted the girls to hear all about him and his life.  I was hoping they would be just as intrigued by him as I am and it worked.  Both Kayla and Brooklyn really enjoyed learning all about his life.  Brooklyn said this was one of her favorite parts of the trip!

Hemingway's office and his typewriter where he wrote seventy percent of his work.  It was left just they way he left it.

After the Hemingway house we walked to the Southernmost point of the island and enjoyed all the beautiful homes along the way.

We made it but we may have been drenched in sweat!  Again the humidity was brutal and once we saw the line to take a picture in front of the famous spot we decided we would pass and this picture below would work just fine for us.

We continued on our walk over to South Beach and walked out on the Emma Carrero Cates Pier to get some pictures.

Once again it was stinky and you can see the brown water which is usually crystal clear.  Also don't look to closely cause you will see our sweat seeping through our shirts, lol.

We walked back up Duval street to find our lunch spot stopping here and there to do some shopping and to take a quick picture of Johnny Depp because, love!

Here it was, lunch at D.J.'s Clam Shack.

I will forever try to find one just as good from this point on.  It was so perfect.

After our trip to Key West I really want to visit Cuba more than ever now. 
 So many places to travel, so little time (and money!)

After lunch we were done with all the sweating so we decided we were ready to go back to the hotel and jump in the pool but first Kayla had a few bookstores she had been waiting to check out.

You better believe you will be checking out all the bookstores if you travel with Kayla.

Back at the hotel, we quickly changed and went down to the pool.

The girls played volleyball and football with some boys they met and Chris and I enjoyed cooling off with cocktails and being in the pool.

We ended the day here.

1 comment:

Billie Jo said...

Been loving following you along on this dream vacation, my friend. Loved this post...Johnny Depp!!!!!!! And a lobster roll?!?!? Add the bookstore, and it was a perfect day! Enjoy and Happy Fourth of July! I know you love it, and it is that much closer to our favorite!