The month starts off with my birthday and I enjoyed waking up to presents and coffee.
We all spent the morning together and then Chris and I left the girls and headed out to do some wine tasting together.
It was a cold day but still fun and nice to get away just us two.
We spent a night out with my parents and had a delicious dinner. Note to self to spend more time with my parents!
An Old Fashioned to say goodbye to our three weeks off.
Kayla spent her own money on this cat harness because she somehow thought the cats needed to spend more time outside. Obviously they were not thrilled with it and we told her she is in no way taking them in the front yard like this...we are not crazy cat people, repeat!
Christmas decor was packed away but a few Winter-y items stayed out.
Brooklyn making us dinner with a recipe from a cookbook she got at Christmas.
Cookies for our cold lazy weekends spent at home
yummy dinners too!
Can you spot Oliver?
If there is a cabinet open, there is a cat in it.
One week back in school and Brooklyn was down.
Our friends are having their first baby in a few months. We had fun celebrating their soon to be son at the babyshower.
Breakfast is done
(I think we ate all the food in Janaury)
Pretty much sums up what we did this month
This girl did something pretty awesome. I'll share details later but she needed a trip to Starbucks to celebrate.
Kayla drove us all to dinner one night to celebrate Brooklyn some more.
She chose sushi of course.
My greatest gift!
If nothing else in life, I did this and that is more than I could ever ask for.
Decorating for Valentine's day and I found this drawing I had framed years ago from Brooklyn. She drew it when she was 4 or 5.
Watching football and crafting, Brooklyn joined in and helped make some heart decorations with me.
I could really care less about football but I love the fact that we all sit around together, snack on food and watch it. Brooklyn was giving Kayla a bunch of braids in her hair while we watched.
Our Valentine's day hearts complete and ready for February!
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