Sunday, June 2, 2024

March Recap


March day date with my love

spoiled kitty cuddles

Kayla at practice icing her shins

a huge downside of the sport is they run regardless of weather of course if there is lightening they don't but pouring rain....still running.

A much better day to run and a fun race for them

Kayla loves this race, relays with all her buddies

Came home with two first place medals!

Celebrated my moms birthday with dinner out at a favorite restaurant.

A little St. Patrick's day decor is out.

Bribing Brooklyn to watch Kayla's race with donuts

Kayla and her race buddies rain in a relay race that they don't even train for.  They are distance runners, not sprinters but they still managed to take third place anyhow!!

Some green treats for St. Patrick's Day

fresh made donuts for the day

Kayla and Chris went to the movies to see a movie that Brooklyn and I had no interest in so we stayed home and enjoyed some festive cheese and snacks

Our St Patrick's day dessert ready to be eaten.

Irish beef stew for dinner.

Another Saturday, another track meet

sun is out,
trees our blooming, 
feeling like Spring
must have some Rose'

This adorable girl turned 1!!

sweet cousins

Track besties

Brooklyn's school had rubber ducks hidden around campus to find and turn in for prizes.  I told her she better find one so when she did she sent me this picture on my phone :)

Kayla had a track meet on a Friday far away, Brooklyn did not want to ditch school to go with us so we bribed her with good food which worked.  She was happy with her decision to ditch to eat yummy food.

Kayla looking fierce before her race

4th place!

My girl!

The month of March ended with lots of rain

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