Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Last Day of School


Brooklyn's last day of middle school and Kayla's last day of her Junior year!

They look so much older on their last day compared to their first day. 

Kayla had an amazing Junior year ranking sixth in her class with a GPA of  4.75!!  This girl works hard in everything she does and makes us so proud.

Brooklyn is the kindest and sweetest girl you'll meet.  She also had an amazing year taking first place in the districts Amazing Shake and was awarded the Principal Award for eighth grade.  She is so excited for High School!

Off she goes, last day of Junior year

After the girls were off to school I set out their Summer fun goodies.

Brooklyn was home first

A little while later Kayla got home

Summer Ready!!

Kayla got ready to head off to the high school graduation where she was a Junior escort

She along with the other top 40 Juniors got to escort the Seniors to their graduation seats and be apart of the ceremony.  It's hard to believe that next year she will be one of those graduates!

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