Sunday, July 14, 2024

May Recap

 The last month of work was rough this year.  The kids were a bit crazier than usual and the weeks were going by s l o w!

The roses were blooming!

Everything was so pretty in the yard unlike now when it's all barely hanging on with this heat.

We could still enjoy dinner on the patio without melting.

The Summer fun list was just getting started

Kayla had her sadies dance and Brooklyn helped with her with her hair.

Her first dance with a boy. It was Rio, the movie theme.  The girls used to LOVE that movie!

While Kayla was off dancing we had a pizza and movie night.  We watched Luca to put us in the Summer mood.

We enjoyed our community Summer party with free In N Out and lots of activities for the kids.

Brooklyn and her friend took full advantage of all the fun that was offered.

We stood for hours talking to friends and my feet that bother me still from being on a statin drug can not take standing for very long periods like that so I needed a little help getting home since we had walked, lol.

The girls and I took advantage of the memorial day sales and got some Summer fits.

Spent Memorial Monday in Palm Springs at the pool

This is normally my after work spot but Brooklyn grabbed it first this day.

Kayla got to be a junior escort for the graduation ceremony this year so she had a lot of practices, banquets and activities she needed to go to the last few weeks of school.

We couldn't wait to spend our days home this Summer just like Oliver is modeling for you all here.

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