This past week has been a week of many emotions after the horrible devastation that happened in Japan. It is almost impossible to imagine what they are feeling and going through in their country.
On Saturday night I found a new blog and I began reading this only to be left feeling upset and sad that this does happen. With tears in my eyes I peeked in on Brooklyn and then crawled into bed with Kayla feeling scared and so grateful for what I have! I prayed to God to please never let anything happen to my sweet girls
Sunday morning came and we got the girls up and ready to go to their Grandparents so Chris and I could head out to the Flea Market. We had a great day searching through vintage items and even stopped by one of our favorite restaurants for lunch on the way home. We decided to stop by Target to see if they had any Easter goodies out yet. While looking through all of the racks full of kids clothes we heard somebody screaming "Help, somebody call 911!" We tried to see what was going on to find a huge crowd over somebody. We kept on with our shopping because we did not want to be one of those nosey people standing and staring. As we walked up to the checkout line I could see the Paramedics working on a lady that had callopsed earlier. I did not want to stare but realized they had been trying to get her conscience for quite awhile. I glanced over to find a young girl about 10 years old crying hugging a man that appeared to be her father. I could only guess that that was her mom lying on the ground and tears filled up my eyes. I asked myself how could something like a trip to Target turn into something so horrible for this family? I don't know what happened to the lady and can only hope that everything turned out okay but many times it does not.
Our lives can change so quickly, at times it is hard to stop and remember how lucky we are. This past week put so many things into perspective and reminded me not to take any moment of life I have with my loved ones for granted. I hope we all take the time to realize how precious our lives are here and to never take a moment with our loved ones for granted!

i find days where i forget that lesson that i learned first hand. it only takes one little thing to slap me back to reality when i get my priorities out of whack.
hope that mama is ok from target.
& yes, the devastation in japan is beyond my comprehension....
These tragic things just remind me how helpless we are. My heart aches for those suffering in Japan. It's truly overwhelming. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing it all on my own, and then something happens and I realize that I have no control over certain things. Perspective is a powerful thing. Thanks for reminding me to be grateful and not take things for granted.
Shannon, your post is beautiful. You are so right, the world can certainly be a scary place and things can happen in an instant to change your life upside down. The events in Japan as well as what you witnessed at Target of all places reminds us we aren't in control. Thanks for the reminder that I need to appreciate every moment I have and hold my dear ones closer.
Take care,
What a great reminder. I know all too well how things can go from a regular day to real darkness. Thank you for sharing!
Life is short and you just never know what tomorrow may bring.This last week I lost my 44 year step brother-in-law healthy one day a virus the next then a coma and a stroke, he passed 2 days later.So Sad!
It changes the way you think for sure~Blessings Kim
oh you are so right Shannon...what a beautiful post to remember to hold on tight to what we have and be grateful
xo to you
Hi Shannon,
Thank you for visiting my blog. You are so right; life can change in an instant. I try my very best to cherish each and every day I spend with my children, my husband, my friends and family. Because you just never know. I have a friend who lost her little boy in a car accident when he was just 3 years old. She misses him terribly (he would have been 9 on Sunday) but yet she says she has no regrets. She spent those 3 years loving him and spending a lot of time with him, and enjoyed him to the fullest. It makes me happy that she has no "I wish I would have...." thoughts lingering in her mind. When I'm busy, super busy around this house, and my two-year-old comes up to me with her older sister's nail polish and asks, " paint my nails, pweeeze?" I stop whatever I'm doing and I take the two minutes that it takes to paint her nails. It makes her so happy. Little things like that make her so happy.
No regrets ;)
Love your blog - I'm a new follower!
Oh, and if you really want to read an inspirational that will uplift you even in your worst of moods, and will put life into perspective always, check out Kelle Hampton's "Enjoying the Small Things" at and be sure to begin at Nella's birth story. Bring a tissue, or two. She's an amazing writer.
Oh -- hahah -- I see you have her button in your sidebar! I didn't notice that until after I sent my last comment! How funny! She has a wonderful outlook, doesn't she? Glad to know you read her :)
okay, enough from me today -- I'll go now! LOL
Amen Shannon, we all have something to be greatful for, sometimes we feel like we have to search for it, but really it is right at our fingertips, if we allow ourselves to open our eyes and see it! Our littles are a constant reminder of how blessed we truly are! xo
Thanks for this timely reminder. Our lives are in God's hands, and He is our peace!
posted a prayer at Faith Hope & Cherrytea in response... welcome~
Wanted to thank you for linking this up. :) It was a great reminder to me this week to spend some more special time with the kids. :)
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