Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I'm learning that it is not getting any easier walking away from either one of my girls and leaving them at school for the day.
I truly love having them home all day with me and really miss them when they aren't running around the house driving me crazy or not.
Today Brooklyn started her first day of Pre-K, she will still only go half day twice a week but it's still weird thinking about how fast the past few years have gone by.  I made sure not to show any sadness about her growing up and going back to school since the last month of school in Spring she cried everyday I left her.  Luckily this year she was super excited to get back to school, rushing me out of the car and dragging me to her classroom she was happy to be back.  
I was a little sad to find out that all her friends that were in her class last year were either in a different class or go to school on the opposite days she will attend.  I know she'll have no problem making new friends and as I was leaving she had already found another little girl to play with.  

At pick up she told me she had a super fun day and one of her teachers said she already knew all the answers to what they were going over in the class which made me very happy!  The past week we have spent our time waiting in pick up for Kayla going over letters, writing, sounds they make and yesterday we worked on reading.  I'm glad it is paying off and she felt confidant enough to raise her hand in class to answer questions.  She is excited to go back and see all her friends and I'm so happy it's looking like it's gonna be a great year for both of the girls!


Billie Jo said...

Cheers for the school girl!
And hugs for Mommy. : )

Kelli said...

I love her picture pose with her hands on her hips!

Sabrina said...

It's so hard to let your babies go of too school! My oldesst start preschool in a few weeks, and although I know he will love it, I'm really going to miss him!

Becca said...

That pose! She is the cutest!!