Thursday, August 15, 2024

Kauai ~ The Last Full Day

 Our last day in Kauai started with breakfast at Living Foods.  This spot is adorable, there is a market along with a restaurant.  The food is all fresh and healthy so I enjoyed eating here.

On this day we drove to see the Waimea Canyon.

There are a ton of hiking trails but you can also drive to certain spots just to enjoy the lookouts.  I'm not gonna lie but this day was my least favorite of the trip.  I felt like we had to see this but to be honest I didn't want to be there.  I wanted to spend the day on the north side of the island exploring more beaches.

We did the lookouts and then decided to do one easy hike which was not really worth it.  Kayla was mad because she wanted to do one of the harder hikes that led to a waterfall.  I being grumpy and annoyed we were wasting our day there in the first place did not want to do the three hour hard hike. 

After the shorter hike we left and drove back towards the hotel.  I was still upset we wasted the day but we were going to turn it around and find some food and hopefully a pretty beach to spend the day on.

We ended up grabbing the best hot dogs we've all ever had at Puka Dogs.  The line was very long but it was worth it, so good and a must eat!!!

We went to the beach near our hotel and spotted a sleeping monk seal.  There are only about 1500 left in the world!!  We spent some time on the beach, in the water and watching a sea turtle playing in the waves.

We walked around a little shopping area later that evening.

The girls got ice cream

and of course we found some island cats we enjoyed loving on for a bit.

I was sad we were leaving the next morning and definitely would've loved to have atleast one more day there.  Kauai is such a beautiful and lush island and the beaches on the north side were gorgeous.  I would love to go back and see more of that part of the island someday.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Stunning photos. Sorry you're last day wasn't the best. What an amazing trip though! I've never been to Hawaii but I loved living vicariously through you! It's a beautiful place.