Monday, November 25, 2019

October Recap

I figured I should get it together and share our month of October since we are nearly done with November in a few days.   October was a busy month and not one of my favorites as you will soon find out why and maybe that is why I have been so far behind in sharing it with you all.

We lost two pets this month and it was HARD especially for Brooklyn since the first death was her hamster, Squiggles.  This picture was taken days before she had passed away.   Brooklyn was extremely upset and it broke my heart.

We buried Squiggles in the back and Brooklyn wrote on a rock to mark the spot.

Look at her sweet poem she wrote.  I found so many poems in her room about her dear Squiggles, which of course broke my heart even more.  She loved her Squiggles.

It was a Friday when it all happened so we did our best to make her weekend fun and happy.   Her and I watched a movie together cuddled on the couch to try and take her mind off of it.

We also had a small gift for the girls with some Halloween goodies which included telling the girls we would be going to San Francisco the following weekend which kept their minds busy for the night.

and of course there were lots of hugs throughout the weekend just to comfort our lil girl.

A trip to get ice cream just because

By the time the weekend was over Brooklyn was doing a lot better.  When she went to school that Monday she shared with the entire class what had happened and her teacher told me she did amazing at holding back the tears.  It also just so happened that it was her week to be Student of the Week so she was happy to help teach the class things that she enjoyed such as drawing and writing poems.   

Kayla had a couple of minimum days in October and we definitely enjoyed going out to lunch together and having some one on one time.

Cross Country races officially began in October and she started off strong bettering her fastest times from last season right off the bat.

Kayla got to meet Baxter who is her papa's new dog.   He is very playful and sweet.

I took a trip to the pumpkin patch with my favorite class to sub in and couldn't have been happier to be getting paid to hang out at a farm with some of my favorite kiddos.

Brooklyn discovered that she too enjoys playing goalie just like her big sister!

We got to go to a wedding with no kids and I was happy to be dressed up and kid free for a night!

The girls and their fans!

There was a lot of candy and junk food because Halloweentime!

Halloween movies too of course

Most Sunday mornings daddy makes us all waffles

Mornings were not too cold nor too hot which made for the perfect spot to enjoy my coffee on the weekends.

A yummy Sunday night dinner to enjoy

Supporting our runner

Mid week out to dinner for some delicious burgers nearby where Brooklyn lost her tooth mid meal.

Brooklyn giving the dog some much needed attention

Chocolate chip pumpkin bread!

My favorite colored roses from my love just because

When your sister is not home you get ice cream all to yourself

We wrapped up the regular season of soccer, Kayla went on to playoffs and is still playing while Brooklyn is now done for the year.

Moments when I think I'm enjoying quiet time only to be joined by a clarinet player seconds later.

The last few days of the month I noticed that our sweet kitty was no longer eating at all and had been acting a little out of sorts.

I kept finding him in different spots in the house and he wouldn't come lay with me unless I picked him up and brought him over.  I made an appointment to get him checked out and was not prepared for what they would say.

Brooklyn and I took him to the vet, he was thrilled as you can see below.   The vet said he had severe kidney failure and would need to be put down.   She gave us the option to take him home so the family could say their goodbyes and then I would bring him back the next day.

Saying goodbye to this sweet boy who we had in our lives for 14 years was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  I loved him so much and I felt beyond guilty that I had to make such a difficult decision to put him down.  He was the best companion and our family loved him so much.   So thankful we had such a wonderful kitty in our lives and I will always miss him.

Our last morning spent together

Our Vinnie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being a lover of cats for 86 years, or most of that, I can send sympathy and
love as you deal with the loss of your precious pet. Always enjoy your nice blog.