Friday, April 29, 2022

Paso Robles Camping Part Two

 Our second full day in Paso we took a 45 minute drive out to the coast to explore Cambria.  We ended up spending our time on the prettiest trail which had some of the best views. 

The drive was 45 minutes and Brooklyn still didn't have her shoes on or tied when we arrived so daddy took care of it for her.

I took a ton of pictures so here you go...

We packed a picnic lunch so after our stroll we drove over to a park that was right on the beach and ate here with this view.

There was a park so that means these two will be playing.

We kid around that these two will be old and grey and still be playing at the park together.

Back at the campsite Chris and I wanted to go in the jacuzzi and the girls wanted to hang out on their own so they stayed in the trailer for a little bit and then went off to play tetherball together.

Brooklyn wanted to ride her bike later that on so we both rode with her.   After a few laps I was done and Chris was ready to keep riding with her when she told him she wanted to just go without him, hence the sad face.

Kayla was enjoying her reading time.

Some evening cornhole after dinnertime and then we called it a day.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I love camping vicariously through you! We always have a great time! :)