Monday, August 12, 2024

Young Living


I just wanted to drop in and share with you that I have recently started selling Young Living products.  I started using them about a year ago for many reasons.  One of the main reasons was for the healing properties that essential oils can have.  I have used essential oils many times in the past year for health reasons and have had great results. 

Another reason I love essential oils is diffusing.  I have always loved to have candles burning in our home because smell is something important to me.  I started noticing certain candles that I'm sure you have all burned in your own home were leaving a black film around my walls and worst of all my ceiling, still trying to clean that mess up.  Anyway it turns out that is not only a mess but also so bad for you and your family to breath in everyday.  When I diffuse my oils our home smells, amazing, it's all non toxic and has wonderful health benefits.  It's been a win win for us all.

Young Living has a ton of amazing products that I could go on and on about but the best way to start out is with one of their Starter Bundles.  They almost all include a diffuser so you can get set up right away.  You can click here to find some of my favorite starters and please follow, @uponadreamwellness on Instagram for some more information on other products.  

It can be quite overwhelming to navigate where to begin so I am here to help you!  You can reach out to me through instagram or leave me a message here and I will get back to you.  I have loved bringing Young Living products into our home and would love to share more with you if you are interested.  They have so many benefits and the company does a great job with offering free products with monthly orders so you can try new stuff.  I have a 10% off coupon code for you and will cover your shipping costs on your first 100PV order just let me know if you are interested!

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