Friday, April 25, 2014


Wow, this week has been a doozy!!!
From dealing with bad attitudes and nobody listening to me all week to a little one who decided to fill her sweatshirt pockets with sand and bring it into the car which then spilled all over the back and got into the seat belt buckle jamming it so it would not work, to having my debit/credit card canceled without warning due to possible leak of information (which I would have know about if I would have read through my mail, oops) and finally to this morning, before running out to see Kayla receive her read-a-thon award I switched my wet clothes over to the dryer only to have the dryer break!   I'd say I'm definitely ready for the weekend and really looking forward to a drink or two tonight!!  
After Easter Sunday I didn't pick up my camera much at all except to take a few pics around the house and of course of Kayla at her award ceremony.  Here are the few things that did make me happy this week.

I picked up this jar candle from Target and it smells so delicious plus I'm loving this color combo right now!!

While both girls were in school and after I spent the morning at the bank getting a new debit/credit card I stopped by a favorite antique store and found this adorable salt and pepper cellar.  Notice the color combo???

lemons in a bowl, just simple and so pretty

Roses picked from the yard from one of my bushes that I'm pretty sure someone ruined on Easter??

a happy moment where she wasn't crying or getting into trouble!

and finally my big girl, geeeez what am I going to do with this one?
Wednesday was awful with her and I thought we had gotten through the day and it would be done but the rest of the week was still rough with her so I'm really hoping the weekend goes smoothly and the attitude and rudeness gets left behind!!
On a happier note, she received her read-a-thon award for reading over 100 books in a month.
Great job Kayla!!!

Kayla and her best buddy Robby and below Kayla and her teacher.

and keeping it real, here are a few of our clothes drying in the backyard since our dryer broke.
Happy Weekend!


Billie Jo said...

Bless your soul, my friend!
Some days are like that... But a week?!?
Your home looks beautiful...
And I hope your dryer gets fixed soon!
As far as the attitudes..:
Hmmmm well, I have to say... I have two older than yours ... And ... Get Ready!!! ; )

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Oh darling this sounds like my norm hate to say it! I hope your weekend is better.
I have three Girl's two whom are young women now and the attitude still lingers that is for sure.My youngest has been the sweetest so far.
I love that mirror and have looked for one myself.I had to have some made because I couldn't find any.