Thursday, November 20, 2014

Pre-K Thanksgiving

I was a bit sad this morning making my way to Brooklyn's class when I realized this is my last year being able to help out at her preschool and having the chance to enjoy all the holiday celebrations with her at school.  Sure next year in Kindergarten they will celebrate a little bit but not like they do in preschool.  She lucked out this year in Pre-K the school made all the students a turkey and then parents helped out by bringing side dishes and pumpkin pie!

I made sure to volunteer to help set up and pass out food for the kids.  They each had made their own turkey placemat and hat for their feast.  I am super excited about the placemat because I have a matching one at home that Kayla made 4 years ago!!! 

After they all played a game and listened to a story about the first Thanksgiving they ran to their seats and prayed before digging into their feast.

Brooklyn particularly liked the stuffing, bread and of course the pumpkin pie!

All the kids got to take turns sharing what they were thankful for, Brooklyn said she was thankful for, "my family"

My sweet girl, we are so thankful for you!

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