Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

Last Wednesday after the girls were out of school I took them straight to the pumpkin patch.  The last few years they have wanted to do the corn maze but it was never open at the time so I thought it would be fun to take them after school and surprise them.  They were both happy to hear where we were going and as soon as we arrived they took off to see all the fun stuff. 

They both really enjoyed checking out the spooky houses that were set up.

We then paid for the corn maze and received our instructions and off we went....

It started off as fun but I quickly realized this was going to take us forever!  It was very hot being in all the maze not being able to feel any breeze!

This maze was the real deal, you had to find clues which would later give you a  password to unlock a door to get out.  Both of the girls wanted no help from me and took turns leading us around pretty much in circles.  Brooklyn was over it after 30 minutes and so was I!  Eventually I took over to help out and got us out of there only to find out there was a second maze. 

Kayla REALLY wanted to do the second maze but Brooklyn said no way!  

Kayla was extremely upset and eventually got over it but pictures next to the field of pumpkins did not turn out so well since Kayla didn't really want to be next to her sister who ruined her hopes of completeing maze #2.

I gave up on getting good sister pictures and instead we went to check out the rest of the pumpkin patch and to pick out some pumpkins.

The girls found the hay bales and quickly ran to the top.

This was the first year Brooklyn came down on her own and did not cry for someone to carry her down. 

Time to find a unique pumpkin to bring home

Kayla chose an acorn looking one

and Brooklyn found a cute "pinkish" colored pumpkin

Despite the end of the maze drama we had a lot of fun together.  It was nice going after school since the place was nearly empty.  Next time we will take daddy with us so Kayla and him can do the maze together and Brooklyn and I can do something else.

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