Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Programs

It's the first day of our two weeks off from school and we spent the night with a very sick kid.  Poor Kayla was up all night sick so we are all, well except Brooklyn who slept peacefully, running on low energy today.   We are all hoping it was just a bit of food poisoning and will leave quickly so we can get on with the holiday fun we have planned! 
Thursday night Kayla had her 3rd grade Christmas program.   It was short and sweet, they sang about 4 songs and looked so cute!

Who in the word told her it was okay to look so much older this year!?

Kayla wasn't as excited to sing infront of an audience this year as in the past but once it was over she said she had a lot fun!  It's a bit sad that I only have two more years to enjoy these Christmas programs of her singing.  She'll be in junior high way too soon.

Friday morning Brooklyn had her Kindergarten Christmas program and she was very excited!

The girls were angels and the boys were reindeer.

Brooklyn had a speaking part in the program and she could not have been more excited!  She got to read some lines from the book, "Pete the Cat Saves Christmas"

She did wonderful and the songs they sang were perfect.  I'm so thankful for an amazing school that lets us celebrate the season and allows actual Christmas songs to be sang by the kids!

1 comment:

Billie Jo said...

Prayers that your girl is on the mend, and you can resume your celebrating!
Your girls looks adorable and I'm glad the programs were fun for all.enjoy this week!!!!!