Saturday, November 3, 2018


Halloween literally flew by and to be honest I really didn't even feel like I got to enjoy it.  I was exhausted from working and running the girls around non stop.  We barely even squeezed in pumpkin carving the evening before and I would've loved to skip it all together but I knew the girls would've been sad so I powered through it.  The good part about all of this is now I know to not schedule myself to work so much when I actually want to enjoy a holiday or event.   I definitely plan on slowing it down a lot now that the holidays are here.  Time is going by way too fast and I just can't fathom the idea that I might miss my favorite time of year because I'm working too much! 

So pumpkin carving began right after I picked up Kayla from cross country the night before.  The girls began their carving while I got dinner together.  Luckily they are old enough that they could get this all done on their own for the most part.  Brooklyn tried to get me to pull out the 'pumpkin guts' for her but no thank you I have things to do.  I love her face of disgust, every year it's the same face.

Kayla doesn't seem to mind the guts

We found a cat stencil on line that I printed out for Brooklyn's cat pumpkin.

Kayla free handed her pumpkin face

After pumpkins it was shower time for the girls and then we all gathered to watch It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.   Brooklyn made us all tickets to enter and we snacked on some candy corn popcorn. 

Wednesday morning the girls were dressed in their Halloween attire, they aren't allowed to wear costumes to school.

I dropped of Kayla and my kitty for the day and then headed to work for the day.

So happy to be home with my girls and took a picture of my pumpkins with their pumpkins

I then got to work on dinner, I made a mummy meatloaf with some mashed potatoes.

Soon enough it was dark out and the costumes were on

Hubby and I filled our travel mugs with a yummy beverage to enjoy while we tagged along with our trick or treaters

I love seeing all of the decked out houses

One of the houses converted the garage into a full blown scary Halloween scene.  We all walked through and  I know this picture below is super blurry but I was so proud of Brooklyn posing next to the dead body, Kayla on the other hand stood pretty far back.  😆

It didn't seem like there were as many kids out as in the past but I think we started too late this year.  The girls were still happy but we all agreed it wasn't our favorite Halloween.

 They sure didn't complain about their candy haul though!

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