Sunday, March 10, 2019

Ten On Ten

Welcome to our Sunday!
It's been a cozy day spent at home, the girls were in pajamas all day and made a huge mess in both of their rooms playing together.   Squiggles our hamster got a clean cage, Kayla got a much needed haircut and we signed the contract to get a new patio cover which we can't wait to use once it is done and the weather warms up.   Right now we are all watching reruns of Parks and Recreation.  We introduced the girls to it a few weeks ago and now they are obsessed.   We are well rested and ready for the upcoming week, we only have two more weeks and we'll be on Spring Break!


Tara said...

LOVE all the toys out!

Billie Jo said...

A perfect day in your lovely home!
And I see Bitty Baby! : )