Monday, February 10, 2020

Ten On Ten

Happy Ten on Ten on a MOANday, that's what we call Monday's around here if it's a school day!  Luckily we are off on Friday so we've got four days til the weekend and then next week is a no school week so happy dance over here.

The girls are set with breakfast so I'm off to sit in my morning spot.  I was sick all weekend and I'm still not a hundred percent but I'm working so lots of coffee it is.  Kayla actually enjoys refilling my coffee for me every morning so she happily will come and get my cup and refill it for me just about every day.  I remind myself of this sweet gesture many times throughout my days because hello teen mood swings!!

My sweet girls and I all ready for our Monday!

At work with my favorite preschoolers

The school I sub at is literally just around the corner so I almost always come home for my lunch which is so nice because I can easily eat and start a load of laundry or tidy up so I don't have to do it later on after work.

I get off just in time to pick up Brooklyn.  She came home and grabbed her favorite yogurt as a snack.

Kayla was staying after school today for a soccer meeting so Brooklyn and I got to work on her Valentine's. 

After we picked up Kayla from her meeting I came home and checked on travel prices.  I've been checking daily for the past month and was happy to finally book our Summer vacation!!  I'm so happy that as of today all of our Summer is pretty much booked.  We've got our camping set and now our big vacation ready.  Makes working everyday a little sweeter when you know what your working for, right?

Laundry needed to be folded, yay for kids to help out with daily chores!

The girls and I ate a quick dinner tonight and then headed out to a parent meeting for Kayla's upcoming AstroCamp she's going to.  She's going to have such an amazing time, I'm gonna miss her like crazy but I can't wait to hear how much fun she had when she comes home.  I know it'll be one of those experiences that I'll hear about forever!!

We came home from our meeting just in time to all get showered up and ready for bed.   Once the girls are down, I'll enjoy some tea since now my voice seems to be going away and then hubby and I will catch up on some of our favorite shows.  Three more days to go!!

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