Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Back to School

 Online distance learning began on Monday so on Sunday night I decided we would have everyone's favorite Mac n Cheese and play Bingo while we ate.   I set the table with some fun decor using stuff I already had on hand except for the sunflowers and the alphabet cookies those were courtesy of Trader Joe's.

Gone are the days that I would read all of these back to school books to the girls but luckily Brooklyn still enjoys reading through them on her own now.  Every once in a blue moon she'll let her mommy read her a book if I'm lucky.

After we all ate we enjoyed a peanut butter and jelly bar for dessert.   I make these bars every year for back to school.  They are a favorite!

Monday morning the girls were up and getting themselves ready all on their own.  Brooklyn happily set her alarm on her own and has popped out of bed every morning since.  I had a few goodies waiting for them when they woke up and then made them breakfast before the annual back to school pictures and them getting online.

I thought it would have been a super easy first day back for me atleast because obviously I didn't have to get completely ready since I wouldn't be driving them anywhere but Kayla wanted me to put her hair up and Brooklyn decided she needed me to curly her hair followed by Kayla needing me to tidy up her eyebrows.   I finally enjoyed a cup of coffee once they were actually online which came with a few hiccups itself.

Kayla wanted her large math book in the photo.  She is very proud to be in the accelerated math class this year, as she should be!

Brooklyn was all set for her first day of fifth grade

while Kayla was ready to log on to her first day of eighth grade!

The girls both have their first break/recess at the same time and wouldn't you know it they ran right to each other and took off to our room to chat and throw cheerios at each other.

Their first day was over in no time and they both said it was pretty boring!   They are only online for about three hours so it's over pretty quick.  They are on day three now and they both agreed today was much better.   Monday and Tuesday Brooklyn had problems with the connection which didn't go over well because she lost her math work she had done but we got it all taken care of and everything was fine today.  Fingers crossed they enjoy the rest of the week and that this distance learning is over sooner rather than later so they can get back to school and with their friends!


Tara said...

Happy back to school for your girls - I love the sweet details and how you made their first day so special! Hope they're back in school sooooon!

Here in CT we are opening - eeek! Happy and thrilled but scared tooooooo! It's a hybrid approach so I'll have half of my 4th grade class in the classroom/ half at home distance learning and then we switch! We are supposed to go back to everyone back sometime in October! Fingers crossed!

Have a great rest of the week!

Billie Jo said...

Looks like a perfect way to start a (Literally) New school Year, Shannon!
It takes some getting used to, but once the bugs are worked out, it is smooth sailing!
I think you will find you guys will have more time for extra things.
We had each of the kids make dinner one night, and Peyton and Rhett used to play Battleship every day after lunch. Stay safe and healthy out there, my friend!

Cindy said...

It looks like you've got this remote learning taken care of! What a great first day!