Sunday, November 28, 2021


 Our Thanksgiving week off flew by and we enjoy it so much!  Thanksgiving we spent at my in laws and ate a ton of delicious food. 

We started off the day at home first with pumpkin cinnamon rolls and the Macy's day parade

Later that afternoon we arrived to my in laws to lots of appetizers

an old fashioned to help wash down all the yummy food

I enjoyed snuggling this cute lil man!

Daddy Daughter flannel day

he's just the perfect amount of chunk right now!

Brooklyn played with her cousins non stop!

They are full of energy and she was exhausted

My father in law is quite the collector of things!
The brothers went out into the garage and found some random jackets and a ski vest and wore them to see if he would notice..... he didn't!

So many laughs, great conversations and delicious food with this family!

Kayla's Thankfuls

getting to school early to spend time with friends

going to the library

clean water to drink, wash my body, etc.

having time to read my book

t.v. to keep me entertained

my teachers

a day at home to spend with my family

my mom, dad and sister for taking care of me

having some time for myself to relax on the weekend

clothes I like to wear

hanging out with my mom and sister and spending time with them on a girls day

no homework today

the doctors, nurses and surgeons who all helped me and my leg

going on a run with dad

getting to go out to dinner and spend time with my mom

going on a walk through nature

the men and women who bravely served our country

Brooklyn's Thankfuls

my time in science class to draw a diagram of an eyeball

eating a delicious lunch with my family

free time to draw and sketch

my sisters good health.  I can't imagine my life without her

the ability to run

a lazy Sunday to have free time to do whatever I want

going out to eat with my friends after cross country

the applebites I make

my bootiful sister, Kayla

my family and their love

my fluffy cats to cuddle with

a yummy homemade dinner

my parents supply of healthy food to eat

my family's love

chocolate milk that I had with breakfast

cross country and all the friends I've made doing it

mommy(mumsy) and daddy(dudsy)

minimum day, which means less schoolwork

a girls shopping day with mumsy and Kayla

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