Day 2 was spent walking around the river walk, we were going to walk over to the Alamo and just explore the area a bit. We headed out a little before noon just in time to grab lunch.
Chris found our lunch spot, The Buckhorn Saloon and Museum.
We thought we would just grab lunch and continue on our way but the guy talked us into purchasing tickets to their museum and at the time I was like what are we doing but we actually really enjoyed the museum. It was way bigger than we thought it would be and we all enjoyed it.
There was so much to see.
Brooklyn went crazy in the old west town, it was pretty neat and nobody was in there so she was having a blast running around and popping out pretending to be a robber.
Always goofing around and making us laugh.
After we were all done at that museum we walked a few blocks to the Alamo.
Loved the architecture but it was a lot smaller than I thought as far as the building goes.
Did you notice we were all in shorts!
It was 87 degrees, we were hot so some frozen yogurt was needed.
The girls mentioned they wanted to go the Ripley's Believe it or Not so that was up next.
It was fun for them but very strange. Definitely a kid spot.
We left Ripley's and walked all the way back to the hotel. Our feet were tired and we planned to drop the girls off at the room and Chris and I were gonna go down to the bar for happy hour before we headed back out to dinner but when we got back Brooklyn realized her phone was missing. She was in tears immediately and had no idea where she had lost it. Kayla reminded me they have the trackers on their phones so I tracked it and saw it looked like it was near Ripley's. I called thinking it was a long shot but thankfully they had it. Somebody had turned it in and I was beyond grateful. So our happy hour obviously didn't happen because we instead walked all the way back to Ripley's, got the phone and then decided to just grab dinner.
After dinner we walked by a few really pretty buildings.
Chris told me the Dan Fernando Cathedral was within walking distance so I said we had to go. It did not disappoint!
The building below was near our hotel, can you find the carved faces on it??
Our day ended with the cute ducklings on the river walk along with pretty flowers planted and ready for Spring.
It was a fun day exploring and not really having a set schedule other than seeing the Alamo we just left the day up to whatever we came upon. It was a pretty relaxing day up until the lost phone situation!
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