Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Is anyone else super duper excited that it's October and Fall is here???  I feel like Fall is time to cozy up at home and watch all the scary movies but in reality this month is going to be so busy so insert my sad face here.  I will definitely make time though for some Halloween fun and movies together regardless of our busy schedules.  I just can't believe how fast the months are flying by!  September was busy as well so whenever we had a chance to enjoy a delicious dinner around the table together I didn't take it for granted.

I'm still in disbelief that my girl is in middle school and I'm sorry if I keep posting the same type of picture of her walking away from morning drop off but it's just too weird!

She had her first school dance in September and after a whole lot of arm twisting she agreed to wear a skirt and let mommy help her with her outfit.   How awesome was it when I picked her up and she was ecstatic because she got so many compliments on her outfit.  She couldn't believe a 7th grader she didn't know ran up to her and raved about how cute she looked.   I was happy that maybe I won some mommy points and she might believe me a little more....maybe, sometimes?

I took a job at Kayla's school for the day and I told her I would drop her off in the drop off line but she said it was okay she didn't mind hanging out in the car with me for a bit until I needed to walk in.  It made my day that she walked in with her mommy that morning. 

My brother in law is getting married this weekend and we went to the bridal shower a few weeks ago for his bride to be.

We love his soon to be wife lots so we are happy she will be joining the family in just a few days.

Mommy was busy cleaning so Kayla offered to quiz Brooklyn on her multiplication.  I love that the girls have been stepping up to help out more now that I'm not home as much anymore.

An after school chai latte and pumpkin candle is my favorite way to unwind after a days work

Just waiting to go to school together.

Kayla needed shoes for the upcoming wedding so we headed to Kohls only to find out she is now in womens sizes!  She was so excited when she thought she could wear some heals but I quickly bursted her bubble when I told her it wasn't going to happen!!!

We walked out with some cute and classic ballet flats instead.

One of Kayla's friends has a cell phone and every day at lunch she takes silly pictures of Kayla and then sends them to her mom who then sends them to me so needless to say I get a good laugh on random days when I see her being goofy with her friends.

Kayla had twin day at school so her and one of her soccer buddies wore their soccer shirts so of course when Brooklyn heard this she grabbed hers and thought she'd join in as well.

Goofy Soccer Girls

An after game treat that her coach bought for the team since they won.

Finding friends at the soccer fields is always fun.

A few weekends ago I had a weekend of fun full of Country concerts!  On Saturday night I went to see Jason Aldean with my love

and then on Sunday night I went to see Dustin Lynch with my mom!

It was such a fun weekend.

I had stayed out at my parents house the night after the concert so when I walked up to pick up Brooklyn from school and I saw her outfit I laughed out loud.   I knew it was her attempt to dress like a country girl.  She's too cute!  She definitely needs some cowgirl boots.

Our Friday Family Movie nights don't really happen since we are at soccer practice and our Saturdays have been out and about leaving no time for movie nights either so when Thursday nights practice was canceled I set out some treats and a movie for us all to watch.   The girls were happy to come home and see we were finally having a movie night with treats and all!

and even if we don't have movie nights on Friday nights now we still have pizza night on our Fridays and usually watch a few episodes of Friends together while we eat.

This past Saturday hubby and I snuck away for about an hour to try out a local brewery and just catch up for a bit.

Then we picked up the girls to head to a local sushi spot for dinner it was nice to have a Saturday afternoon and evening to just relax.

Weekend mornings reading books together

Crockpot cinnamon rolls were a hit on Sunday morning.

Later that afternoon I received a well deserved apology letter from a little lady tucked into an envelope along with it's own hand drawn postage stamp.

Then out of no where on our very last day of September we had a huge downpour.   I'm pretty sure it was the perfect way to end the weekend and get us even more excited for October 1st!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I cant believe how quickly September passed by..I'm not sure if I even enjoyed it. :)
Your crockpot cinnamon rolls look good!