Winter break was three weeks for us this year and it was wonderful. I loved having a full week off before Christmas to get things ready for my favorite day and then after Christmas had come and gone we still had a week and half left to enjoy.
The day after Christmas always leaves me a bit sad and being that I'm usually worn out after entertaining the day before we usually lay low for a few days afterward. The girls play with their new toys and I relax and clean up at my own pace.
We made time for a lot of walks and the girls having brand new scooters made it very easy to get them out and about.
A few days later hubby and I took off for a day of wine tasting with friends. I was hesitant to go because I didn't want to waste a day being away from home and relaxing but we ended up having so much fun
The next day we were back home and back to relaxing. This was my view which pretty much looked the same everyday for the rest of break.
Brooklyn and her favorite friend cuddling
I loved my slow mornings reading
We met up with family the night before New Years Eve to celebrate my mother in laws birthday.
New Years day we said goodbye to the longest lasting tree we ever had. It still smelled amazing and I was beyond sad to see it go.
My birthday rolled around and hubby picked us all up Panera Bread for breakfast
I opened presents from my people and loved them all.
These two sang Happy Birthday to me as soon as I walked out to the family room and many more times throughout the day.
We all went on a family walk together
and then we went to see Mary Poppins. After the movie we dropped the girls off at my parents and then hubby and I shopped a bit before going out to dinner just the two of us.
The next day it was back to relaxing at home. My parents bought me the new Giada cookbook and it's my new favorite. I've already made two recipes from it and they were delicious!
My sister in law stopped by to drop off a gift for me and Jonas enjoyed helping out the girls build their legos for a bit.
Kayla had a science project she needed to work on over break and it was time to get it done.
Sunday before we all went back to school Brooklyn had a birthday party at the Art Barn. She was excited to get to paint a unicorn and it turned out adorable
After the painting party it was back home to enjoy the last few hours of our Winter break.
It was definitely hard getting back to our day to day reality but we made it and in just a few days we'll be off to enjoy a fun family vacation.
Pretty much my same view that was here on break... I just don't have any pictures of it... so glad you were able to have fun and relax! So tell me more about your school... are you teaching? I'd love to know! Congrats on going back... I didn't realize you were a teacher before staying home!
Your days are much the same as ours.
And I love it!
That week is just the best time to snuggle in and relax, and the quick trip out with your man and friends added an extra special treat!
I know you are getting ready for a big adventure!
How exciting!!!!!
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